"I had a dream last night that we went down... you were in it."
Okay so I'm not the kind of person to see a movie at the cinema more than once, mainly because I can see them for free when they come out on D.V.D. (perks of working at a video store). I have only ever done it with Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (I saw it three times, I kid you not) and now the hilarious film Bridesmaids, which I saw twice last week!
I honestly don't think I have laughed so hard throughout a movie. There are hardly any moments in this film where you're not smiling or crying with laughter. I can't stop quoting it... "What kind of a name is Stove? Are you an appliance?" (If you have seen it, you totally just laughed then.)
So what is Bridesmaids about, I hear you ask. It follows Annie (Kristen Wiig) who is asked by her best friend to be her maid of honour. It is after this we meet the bride's bridal party consisting of some amazing characters but the best is definitely the groom's sister, Megan played by the hilarious Melissa McCarthy. Her character is brilliant and provides for some super hilarious moments i.e. when she takes a whole bunch of labrador puppies (party favours) from the bridal shower. Amazing stuff!
What I love about Bridesmaids is that the characters are very relatable. The conversations that are shared between Annie and her best friend remind me a lot of my conversations with my best girl friends. It's also a female take on the male driven films that we love like The 40-Year-Old Virgin & Superbad. Paul Feig has done a great job with Bridesmaids, it's super hilarious and still kind of keeps that chick flick feel without being overly lame. I could not say a bad thing about it. Go and see it!
Rating: 4.5/5